Recent Publications

Recent publications from our researchers include:

Modeling the hydrodynamics of a tidal inlet during bay-side storms, 2022. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Hydrodynamics of a tidal inlet under gray to green coastal protection interventions, 2022. Frontiers in Earth Science, Sec. Marine Geoscience

Importance of Pre-Storm Morphological Factors in Determination of Coastal Highway Vulnerability, 2022. Journal of Marine Science & Engineering

Investigation of Barrier Island Highway and Marsh Vulnerability to Bay-Side Flooding and Erosion, 2022. Journal of Marine Science & Engineering

Effectiveness of indicators for assessing the vulnerability of barrier island highways, 2022. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Land cover changes on a barrier island: yearly changes, storm effects, and recovery periods, 2021. Applied Geography.

Vulnerability indicators for coastal roadways based on barrier island morphology and shoreline change predictions, 2021. Natural Hazards Review.